Marina Williamson – Senior Solicitor, Higher Rights Advocate

Marina Williamson Senior Solicitor Higher Rights AdvocateMarina Williamson
Senior Solicitor Higher Rights Advocate

Marina is an experienced Senior Solicitor and Higher Rights Advocate at Wellingtons Solicitors.

🎓 She qualified as a solicitor of England and Wales in 2013 and has since become a highly regarded solicitor advocate. She has an extensive experience and expertise in handling:

  • Complex commercial and civil litigation matters,
  • Family and Employment disputes; and
  • Criminal Litigation

🏛 Marina regularly represents our clients in criminal proceedings in both Magistrates’ and Crown courts. Her dedication and skill in navigating complex legal waters ensure the best outcomes for our clients.

📜 Additionally, Marina holds a role as a Compliance Officer for Legal Practice, where she upholds the highest standards of legal service and ethics within our firm.

🔍 If you are looking for a criminal solicitor, Marina Williamson is your go-to lawyer. Trust her to handle your legal challenges with the utmost competence and care. Contact us today to learn how Marina can help you  🌟

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